Jordan was inspired to get his BA from the prestigious film program at Emerson College after watching Sergio Leone’s Once Upon a Time in the West. He has since become a prolific narrative and commercial Director of Photography, whose work has played at film festivals worldwide. Some notable achievements include Chaperone premiering at Sundance 2022 and making Indiewire’s Sundance 2022: 10 Must-See Short Films, See You Then which had its World Premiere at SXSW 2021, Tom in America which earned him recognition for the Indie Soul Best Cinematography Award at the Boston International Film Festival (starring Academy Award-nominees Burt Young of Rocky and Sally Kirkland of JFK), Vimeo Staff Picks for the films NYC Tips and Tricks, It’s Been Too Long, Speghetter Getter, and A Taco Told in Texas, two “Ad of the Day” with Adweek, Shortlisted for the Cannes Lions Travel & Branded Content for Tinder Plus, and “Short of the Week” for his film Stryka which stars Rupert Friend and Aimee Mullins.
Jordan has an extensive client list including M&Ms, Kayak, Zillow, Massage Envy, AT&T, South West Airlines, Canon, Tinder, Quilted Northern, Credit Karma, and more.
Photography courtesy of Megaera Stephens.
[Cooke Optics 2023] Shot on Cooke: Tony’s Auto Repair
[British Cinematographer] DP Jordan T. Parrott on shooting Chaperone with Cooke Lenses
[See You Then, 2022] Roger Review
[Sundance 2022] Interview: Cinematographer Jordan T. Parrott on Sundance short Chaperone - Moviehole
[Sundance 2022] ZEISS Film Festival Week - Cinematographer's Roundtable
[Sundance 2022] ICG Magazine: Are We All Ok?
[Sundance 2022] : 10 Must-See Short Films at This Year’s Virtual Festival - Indiewire